THEME: ReNew and ReInspire
There is still time to register! Click here to sign up now.
$25 for UUAMP Members, $40 for those who are not yet members
Day 1: Wednesday, June 8 2-3:30 pm Pacific/4-5:30 pm Central/5-6:30 pm Eastern
- CHALICE LIGHTING &WELCOME (2-2:45 pm Pacific/4-4:45 pm Central/5-5:45 pm Eastern)
- Prompt question: What is something you created during covid and now want to keep?
- JOYS & CONCERNS (2:45-3:30 P/4:45-5:30 C/5:45-6:30 E)
- A time to share our ups, downs, and in-betweens
- Milestones & Millstones - An introductory conversation about tomorrow’s “Task Force” topic on professional transitions.
Day 2: Thursday, June 9: Business Meeting + Keynote Noon-2 pm Pacific/2-4 pm Central/3-5 pm Eastern
OPENING & BUSINESS MEETING 12-12:40 P/2-2:40 C/3-3:40 E
- Chalice Lighting
- Call to Order
- Approval of 2021 Business Meeting Minutes
- VOTE on June 2021 Minutes
- President's Report
- Treasurer's Report: Budget vs. Actuals and Fund Balance Sheet
- Audit Report-
- VOTE to remove Article VI/A from the bylaws.
- VOTE to revise Article IV/E.
- Current wording:
- Proposed edit:
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for:
- The financial records for the collection of annual dues and registration fees for Professional Days and any other monies paid to UUAMP.
- Overseeing the disbursement of funds for UUAMP expenditures.
- The maintenance of the financial records of the Association.
- The completion of a professional audit and communicating results to members.
- An annual report at the annual meeting which will include a financial report since the last annual meeting.
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for:
- Nominations Report
- VOTE on Nominations for 2022-23 Board
- Nominations Doc 2022-23
- The Year of the Task Force
- A quick poll of potential initiatives:
- Nominations 2.0
- Membership Consultants
- GA Team
- Programming/Small Group Ministry
- Milestones & Millstones - Professional Transitions
- Certification
- Share Ministry: Extending Our Reach with Other Religious Professionals
- What else?
- A quick poll of potential initiatives:
- Appreciations
- Adjournment
BIO BREAK/ReGathering/Introduction of the KEYNOTE SPEAKER 12:40-12:50 pm P/2:40-2:50 pm C/3:40-3:50 pm E
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Dr. Janice Johnson 12:50-1:50 P/2:50-3:50 C/3:40-4:40 E
CLOSING 1:50-2 pm P/3:50-4 pm C/4:50-5 pm E
- GA!
- Extinguishing the Chalice