Leading with Love: Shared Ministry & Adaptive Leadership Wednesday, April 17 & Thursday, April 18 DuPage UU 1828 Old Naperville Rd Naperville, IL 60563 Register Here In Person UUAMP Member: $125, In Person: $150 Online UUAMP Member: $50, Online:...
Tuesday, June 20, 2023 Register here! Sunnyhill-UU Church of the South Hills: 1240 Washington Road, Pittsburgh, PA & Via Zoom This year, we are focusing on Article II and how we prepare our congregations, as Membership Leaders for this transition. We hope you can...
Past: Soon after UUAMP was formed in 2011, the group began creating a Certification Program to serve as an important component of UUAMP’s professional development opportunities. A steering committee researched the certification programs of other UU professional...